Tuesday 23 September 2014

House in a Rowdy Session Over $9.3million Arms Controversy

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The All Progressives Congress (APC) in the House of Representatives Tuesday alleged that the federal government had ill motives in the $9.3 m cash for arms deal involving it.
This is as they angrily deserted the hallowed chamber when the Deputy Speaker Emeka Ihedioha  refused to entertain debate on a motion seeking the probe of the deal.

Contrary to the rule of the House that stipulates that when a matter has been moved by way of  a motion, the presiding officer shall allow time for those who want to speak for and against.
The APC caucus noted that ''an attempt by the ruling party members to sweep the controversial smuggling of $9.3 million allegedly meant to procure arms and ammunitions for a government security outfit from South Africa under the carpet''.
The motion was sponsored by. Hon. Kawu Sumaila (APC, Kano).  It was first tabled on the floor of the House last week but was not passed.

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