Friday 29 August 2014

Mariah Carey tops TIME's list of most successful, enduring pop stars

Still on top! Her marriage might be on the rocks, but Mariah Carey can rest assure that she's been heralded as the most enduring of pop stars since 1960

Her marriage to Nick Cannon is reportedly heading towards divorce. But at least Mariah Carey can rest assured that she's been heralded as the most enduring of pop stars since 1960. TIME has calculated that the 45-year-old R&B diva has had the longest, most consistently successful career of her peers.

The magazine's colourful infographic outlines every major artist since 1960 to make it to the Billboard Top 10, and appropriate points were assigned based on rank/time on the chart.

Mariah's best year was 2005 when she released the singles We Belong Together, Don't Forget About Us, and Shake It Off. Carey also scored major points for 1995 when she dropped Fantasy and One Sweet Day alongside Boyz II Men. The five-time Grammy winner had less luck with her 14th studio album - Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse - which has sold a dismal 103,000 copies.

Congratulations! TIME has calculated that the 45-year-old pop diva has had the longest, most consistently successful career of her peers

Nine years ago: Mariah's best year was 2005 when she released the singles We Belong Together, Don't Forget About Us, and Shake It Off

Nine years ago: Mariah's best year was 2005 when she released the singles We Belong Together, Don't Forget About Us, and Shake It Off

'Feels like I'm dreaming but I'm not sleeping': Carey also scored major points for 1995 when she dropped Fantasy and One Sweet Day alongside Boyz II Men

'Feels like I'm dreaming but I'm not sleeping': Carey also scored major points for 1995 when she dropped Fantasy and One Sweet Day alongside Boyz II Men

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