Sunday 20 July 2014

Putin given 48 hour ultimatum to let investigators probe MH17 crash site

Vladimir Putin has the power to 'snap his fingers' and stop the crisis in Ukraine but is failing to do so, said Mr Hammond this morning

Britain, France and Germany this afternoon warned Vladimir Putin to grant international investigators immediate access to the MH17 crash site in Ukraine - or face fresh sanctions on Tuesday.

David Cameron, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande said they were 'prepared' to increase economic attacks on Russia if it did not deliver. The three EU leaders spoke over the phone this morning.

The Prime Minister likened to failure to tackle Vladimir Putin to the appeasement of Hitler in the 1930s

Mr Cameron has led calls for tougher sanctions on Russia but has faced resistance from Germany's Angela Merkel. The Netherlands' Mark Rutte (right) is likely to back sanctions following last week's attack

It came after the Prime Minister attacked European leaders for being too soft on Mr Putin.

He accused the EU showing a lack of 'resolve' in refusing to face up to Russia and suggested the world was now paying the price. Mr Cameron also likened the crisis to Europe's appeasement of Hitler in the 1930s. 

Mr Cameron said there was 'anger that some in the West, instead of finding the resolve to deal with this issue, have simply hoped it would go away'.

He added: 'In Europe we should not need to be reminded of the consequences of turning a blind eye when big countries bully smaller countries.

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