Monday 14 July 2014

Meet: the girl born without a nose (with pictures)

Tessa Evans

Tessa Evans loves running around, playing outside and blowing kisses.
But unlike any other children, she suffers from an extremely rare condition which means she has no nose.

The 17-month-old has complete congenital arhinia, which is so rare there are only around 40 cases reported in medical literature.

Tessa Evans

The condition means Tessa has no sense of smell and no sinuses but she can cough, sneeze and catch a cold.

And despite her difficulties, she always has a smile on her face, her mother GrĂ¡inne says.

Recalling the birth, Mrs Evans said: 'As soon as I saw her face I knew something was wrong.

'I was in shock and I just froze. The midwife cut the cord before I could even say anything and whisked her away from me.'

essa was also born with other problems related to her condition, including a tiny hole in her heart and problems with her sight

Tessa's condition was detected during the 20-week scan which showed an abnormally flat facial profile.

Her mother and father - Nathan, 32, a nightclub manager - were told to prepare to make difficult decisions but the follow up 3D scan and tests revealed Tessa was perfectly healthy and everything was normal.

But the birth was extremely traumatic. 'Doctors were able to stabilize her so she could breathe on her own and eventually I was allowed to hold her for a few seconds,' recalls Mrs Evans.

Tessa Evans with her parents Nathan and Grainne. They decided to share her daughter's story to raise awareness of the condition, which is thought to affect around 40 people

Tessa will shortly begin treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital. The procedure will design a nose-shaped mould which can be inserted through an incision along her hairline and placed where her nose should be

Her mother Grainne says using a sling gave her the confidence to first go out in public, as it gave her control over who could see Tessa

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