Wednesday 16 July 2014

Israeli gunboat missile kills four boys from the same family as they played on Gaza beach as death toll rises to 204

Death: Palestinians mourn over the dead bodies of four boys from the same family, who were killed by an Israeli airstrike on a beach in Gaza today. The boys' bodies were covered with the yellow flags of the Fatah movement while displayed in a mosque ahead of their funeral this afternoon

Israeli gunboat missiles have killed four Palestinian boys from the same family as they played on a beach in the Gaza Strip, bringing the death toll in the nine-day conflict to 204. Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al Kedra says the four boys killed in Gaza's seaport today were all under the age of 18, adding that some of the seven other people wounded were adults.

Israel has intensified air and tank strikes on what it says are Hamas militant targets in the Gaza strip after dropping flyers and making automated phone calls ordering tens of thousands of Palestinians in the north and east of the region to leave their homes by 8am this morning.

Israel's resumption of air and tank strikes on Gaza comes after authorities said one of the hundreds of rockets launched from within the Hamas-dominated region has caused the first Israeli fatality in the nine day-old conflict.

Tragic: Palestinian men carry the body of a young boy, who medics said was killed by a shell fired from an Israeli naval gunboat, on a beach in Gaza City this morning

The renewed bombings came a day after Israel initially accepted an Egyptian truce proposal that called for a halt of hostilities. That was to be followed by talks on the terms of a longer-term cease-fire, including easing Gaza's seven-year-old border blockade by Israel and Egypt.

Hamas rejected the plan and instead launched more rockets at Israel. The militant group views a significant easing of the blockade as key to its survival, but does not believe Egypt's current rulers - who deposed a Hamas-friendly government in Cairo last year - can be fair brokers.

'The siege on Gaza must be broken and the people of Gaza should live freely like other people of the world,' Moussa Abu Marzouk, a top Hamas official, said. 'There should be a new equation so that we will not have a war on Gaza every two years.'

As Cairo's effort collapsed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Hamas will pay a high price for rejecting the truce offer, adding that he would 'widen and increase' Israel's campaign, but it remains unclear if that will include a ground offensive.

Agony: A Palestinian teenager cries as he holds the dead body of his young brother shortly after the boy was killed by an Israeli naval bombardment of Gaza's port today

Israel has warned it might send troops into Gaza and has massed thousands of soldiers on the border. But entering Gaza is likely to drive up casualties on both sides. Israel has hesitated in the past to embark on ground operations for fear of getting entangled in the densely-populated territory of 1.7 million.

The website of the Gaza Interior Ministry said Israel warplanes carried out dozens of air strikes before dawn this morning, targeting 30 houses - including those of senior Hamas leaders Mahmoud Zahar, Jamila Shanti, Fathi Hamas and Ismail Ashkar.

Zahar was a key figure in Hamas' violent takeover of Gaza in 2007, while the other three were members of the Palestinian parliament elected in 2006. Many Hamas leaders have gone into hiding since the beginning of the Israeli offensive.

Alongside the air strikes, Israel also ordered tens of thousands of residents of the northern town of Beit Lahiya and the Zeitoun and Shijaiyah neighborhoods of Gaza City, all near the border with Israel, to evacuate their homes by 8 a.m. Wednesday.

Disbelief: Pictured is the grieving mother of one of the four Palestinian children from the same family killed in a naval strike on the port of Gaza today

The warnings were delivered in automated phone calls, text messages and leaflets dropped from planes and told residents of Israel's plans to 'attack terrorists and terror infrastructures,' adding: 'Israel is currently attacking, and will continue to attack, every area from which rockets are being launched at its territory'.

The leaflets go on to say: 'The IDF [Israeli Defence Force] is not interested in hurting you or your family members. These operations are limited and short. Whoever does not adhere to these instructions and does not vacate their house immediately is subjecting their lives and the lives of their children and family to danger.'

They also gave detailed instructions on which roads those fleeing their homes should take, and when would be a safe time to travel.

This morning, hundreds of residents of Zeitoun and Shijaiyah were seen walking in the streets, carrying small bags with belongings. Older children carried smaller ones, in their arms or on their backs.

See more pictures of the carnage below.

Nothing left: Locals walk through the rubble of a house belonging to Mahmoud al-Zahar - a co-founder of Hamas and a current member of the Islamist militant group's leadership. The are around the property was also badly damaged

Mourning: A relative of one of the four boys killed during Israel's shelling of the Gaza seaport this morning grieves during his funeral

Terror: Young Palestinian children cry during the funeral of four of their relatives in Gaza City this afternoon. The four boys - all from the Bakr family - were killed as Israel shelled a beach earlier in the day

The Iron Dome air-defence system fires to intercept a rocket over the Israeli city of Ashdod today. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he had 'no choice' but to intensify the military operation in light of the refusal to ceasefire terms from Hamas officials

Scene of devastation: The blood-stained shell of a taxi is seen is seen in the Gaza town of Khan Younis after being hit by an Israeli shell. Three people, including two children, were killed inside the vehicle

Palestinians inspect a Minibus hit by an Israeli air strike in Khan Younis this morning. Israel resumed its air strikes in the Gaza Strip this morning after Hamas rejected plans for a ceasefire

Painful: A wounded Palestinian child is treated for injuries sustained by flying shrapnel following Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip earlier this morning

Bloodied: The young child, who has not yet been named, winces in pain as doctors treat hundreds of shrapnel wounds at a hospital in the Gaza town of Khan Yunis


Israeli rescue forces treat a critically injured Israeli man at the Erez Crossing

A hospital worker opens the doors of the Rafah hospital morgue's cold storage, to show the bodies of some of six Palestinians, killed in various Israeli airstrikes in the Rafah area, southern Gaza Strip

Scared: A young Palestinian girl cries as her family flees its home in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City following Israel's warning residents to evacuate

Debris: A Palestinian man rifles through piles of rubble for his belongings as he stands amidst the destroyed home of top Hamas political leader Mahmoud Zahar. Local police said the building was targeted by an Israeli air strike overnight

Conflict: A young Palestinian man walks past the Hamas administration building in Gaza City after it was hit by an overnight Israeli air strike

Reduced to rubble: Palestinians inspect the house of senior Hamas official Mahmud al-Zahar after it was destroyed by an overnight Israeli air strike

Damage: Palestinians stand looking at the Gaza City house of senior Hamas official Mahmud al-Zahar after it was destroyed by an overnight Israeli air strike

Walking away: Palestinian families are seen leaving their homes in the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City. Israel says dozens of rockets have been fired from the area into Israel in recent days

Power: An Israeli self-propelled artillery unit deployed at an unspecified location near the Gaza border fires towards targets in the region this morning. For the second time in the nine-day campaign the Israeli army warned Palestinian residents in northern Gaza to leave their homes 'for their own safety'

Smoking guns: An Israeli artillery unit fires toward targets in the Gaza Strip. The number of dead in the conflict in Gaza has now reached more than 200, a Palestinian official said this morning, as cross-border attacks continued with rockets from militants in the Gaza Strip and airstrikes and artillery shelling from the Israeli military

Hiding: An Israeli woman takes cover at the side of the road as warning sirens for incoming rockets sound  near the southern town of Kiryat Malachi earlier this morning

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