By SaharaReporters
Members of the Islamist group reportedly went door-to-door, demanding to know if the men inside were Muslim, and if they spoke Somali, eyewitnesses told CTV News in a series of interviews early Monday. The random attacks depended largely on whether or not the assailants liked the answers to their questions, if not, they would spray gunfire into the residences.
The attacks took place Sunday evening, as scores of residents sat watching the World Cup Soccer matches on television, and lasted well into Monday morning. The Al-Shabab attacks in Kenya also suggests an escalation of Islamist attacks spiking across Africa, as the world focuses attention on the still missing students in Borno, Nigeria.
In a story many in Nigeria’s Northeastern region know all too well, Kenyan military forces did not arrive in Mpeketoni until well after the Al-Shabab insurgents had left town, shortly before daybreak. Residents who survived, and military forces who turned up were met with smoldering cars, buildings burnt to the ground, and dirt streets lined with dead bodies in the aftermath of the carnage.

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